$Header: /cvsroot/wmbars/wmbars/index.html,v 1.3 2003/03/14 08:00:17 jmmcg Exp $


Build Requirements:

To build WMBars you will need to install: I recommend using the appropriate packages for your distribution of Linux, if they are thesame version as, or newer than the above.

To build & install:

To uninstall:

To uninstall type "make uninstall" as root.

Useage Notes:

More Details:

WMBars is hosted at Sourceforge where you can find:


This code was developed by J.M.McGuiness.
The idea for this code came from WMTop. The bar graph code has been taken from that code, otherwise the back-end stuff is all my own, and my fault, no-one else's!

License & Warranty.

This code is released under the GPL, with absolutely no warranty, express or implied. Please see the files "COPYING" and "WARRANTY" in the release distribution for more details.
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